SAP SuccessFactors, Oracle Taleo Support Services
Dear Helper provides support services for the configuration, administration, maintenance, and operation of HCM applications including SAP SuccessFactors and Oracle Taleo.

Salesforce, Sage CRM Professional Services | Salesforce (The 3H Initiative)
Dear Helper is specialized in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software consulting. We assist customers in CRM software implementation, project management, post-implementation support, and upgrades. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

To implement your CRM solution successfully, you need to focus on the balance among process, people, strategy, and technology. At Dear Helper, the implementation of CRM solution is about maximizing the return on our customer’s IT investment by making sure that our customer’s business needs be met through CRM solution. We have experience in working with all sizes of CRM customers ranging from over 100 users managing millions of customer records to less than 10 users managing thousands of customer records. Regardless the size or industry of our customers, we implement CRM solutions by following our delivery methodology:


Plan: project planning

Analysis and Design: identify user requirements, review business processes, define functional requirements

Build: configuration/ customization, prototyping, review and modification, data migration

Test: user acceptance testing

Deployment: end-user training, go-live preparation

Support: post go-live support

With Dear Helper’s quality support services at very competitive rate, you can minimize the disruption of business operation, and maximize return on investment. Dear Helper supports Sage CRM customers who are currently on or off Sage Maintenance Plan (Sage Business Care)1 regardless of whether the versions of Sage CRM that have been retired and are no longer supported by Sage. We also support customization or modification which Sage does not support.


Dear Helper provides Pay as You Go, and Subscribe & Save support options: Pay as You Go: Pay for support services at the hourly rate, with a minimum 15-minute charge. Subscribe & Save2: The more hours you subscribe, the more cost you save. Minimum 10-hour support services subscription. For pricing or more information on Dear Helper Support Services, e-mail us at, or send us the contact form. Need support? Send email to

1. For off Sage Maintenance Plan customers, Sage Business Care and licenses are required for upgrading Sage products.
2. For Subscribe & Save support packages, deposit is required prior to services commenced. Remaining balance within same calendar year cannot be carried forward to next calendar year.

Adopting a CRM system is a rewarding journey. You don’t want poor project management takes a toll on the success of your IT investment. With significant IT management and project management experience, Dear Helper certified project management professional (PMP) can assist you in managing the project throughout lifecycle.


  • Project planning and project status review
  • Gap Analysis: business requirements and business processes
  • Software and hardware evaluation
  • Procurement and vendor relationships management
  • System implementation
  • Project management mentoring